We are a Shining Light
We are committed to mission. Our stewardship goes beyond the walls of the church. Locally, we support two local food pantries, the backpack program, the Peoples’ City Mission in Lincoln and the Open Door Mission in Omaha. We make quilts for the missions and LWR. We also reach out to our college students and deployed military members with care packages.
Through the Nebraska Synod, we have a close and ongoing relationship with the Kiruweni parish Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Africa. First Lutheran raised enough funds to build two houses for the Houses for Health project in Tanzania. We also contributed funds toward the building and ongoing support of a health dispensary in the Kiruweni parish in Tanzania. Our Church also provided funds towards the ‘Textbooks for Tanzania’ project and to the Kiruweni School Library.
We continually support ELCA efforts on national and global level such as the ELCA Malaria Campaign, Lutheran World Relief, Disaster Response and World Hunger.
God’s work. Our hands.
Our congregation supports both the Otoe and Cass County Food Pantries. We participate quarterly in a BINGO party at the Good Samaritan Home in Syracuse. Our women also participate in “World Day of Prayer” with area congregations. We deliver Meals on Wheels six weeks per year in Syracuse. We have a Manna Ministry to make meals for members who have returned home from the hospital. Prayer concerns are shared weekly and an active prayer chain is utilized in time of need.