What Does our Mission Statement Mean?

We are God’s people, growing in our faith and seeking what God is doing with us and within us – all out of Lutheran context! And as Lutherans we believe that we are saved by grace by Jesus Christ, and that we are called to share that grace and love with all those that we meet! As some of God’s people, we get to  reach out in that love that we have come to know in Christ! Therefore we seek to be a community that is always Growing in Faith, Reaching Out in Love!

(Come check us out if you’d like to be a part!)


What Does our Logo Mean?

Our ministry is varied and vital, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide us in our spirituality, mission, learning and outreach.

The Hill reminds us of our church’s physical location.  At night, our church literally shines in the darkness and this reminds us that we are a visible beacon, shining Christ’s love into the world.

The Cross is central to our logo and our mission.  It is implanted boldly on the hill, reminding us that we are here to proclaim Christ in word and deed.

The Growing Plant represents our farming and agriculture background and history.  The branch grows in two directions as it reminds us of our mission statement.  First the plant grows upwards to God as a representation that we are growing in faith.  It is also grows out as we are reaching out in love to others.

Of all the words in our mission statement, faith is front and center.  Faith in God’s goodness, love, guidance, protection and salvation, which comes through Jesus Christ, is central to who we are.


Our values (F.I.R.S.T.) help to guide and direct our life together. 

We are:
1.  The Family of God (Galatians 6:1-10)
2.  Inspired by the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 1:1-8)
3.  Rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:6-7)
4.  A Shining Light (Matthew 5:14-16)
5.  Transformed through Praying, Studying, Worshiping, Inviting, Encouraging, Serving, and Giving.    (Romans 12:1-18)